Hear from staff and partners about aspirations, accomplishments, and lessons learned along the way.

Erin Long via Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts

Quality Counts for Strong Starts

Mav Pardee

Mav Pardee

Guest Author · Former Program Manager, Children's Investment Fund

[STAFF] Kimberly Haskins Photo 2022

Kimberly Haskins

Senior Program Officer, Sector Effectiveness

As she retires from the field, Mav Pardee of Children’s Investment Fund reflects on the importance of creating high-quality, supportive environments for early childhood learning.

December 09, 2015 | Category: Education

Businesses and Investors Step Up On Climate Change

Mindy Lubber

Mindy Lubber

Guest Author · President & Founding Board Member, Ceres

Mindy Lubber, president of Ceres, reports on how more business leaders are taking up the climate challenge.

December 03, 2015 | Category: Climate

Philanthropy and Risk

Man smiling and looking at the camera in front of a colorful painting.

Jim Canales

President & Trustee

Strategic planning has given us an opportunity to explore and define the role of risk in our work at the Barr Foundation.

December 01, 2015 | Category: Learning and Evaluation

A Peek into the Future of Transportation

Kristina Egan, director of Transportation for Massachusetts, shares how start-ups and legacy companies are forging a brave, new transportation future.

November 24, 2015 | Category: Climate

Resources for Social Sector Job-Seekers

Looking for opportunities to work for good? Look here.

November 23, 2015 | Category: Job Openings

Striving for Transformation in our Energy Sector

[STAFF] Mariella Puerto Photo 2022

Mariella Puerto

Director of Climate

As part of Barr’s strategic planning, Mariella Puerto shares the trends informing how our Clean Energy program can best accelerate climate action in the region.

November 16, 2015 | Category: Climate

Residency Program Redefines Teacher Preparation and Practice

cindy lung brick headshot 2019

Cindy Lung

Former Program Associate, Education

Recently featured on PBS News Hour, Boston Teacher Residency is held up as an effective, scalable model of teaching in urban schools.

November 11, 2015 | Category: Education

Embracing Opportunities for Smarter Travel, Smarter Places

mary skelton roberts brick headshot 2019

Mary Skelton Roberts

Former Co-Director of Climate

In this contribution to our series on strategic planning, Mary Skelton Roberts discusses key trends giving shape to Barr’s strategy to reduce transportation emissions.

November 05, 2015 | Category: Barr Planning 2015

A Transportation Plan that Began With a Question

Alice Brown

Alice Brown

Guest Author · Director of Water Transportation, Boston Harbor Now

Alice Brown, former project manager for Go Boston 2030, talks about the innovative ways the City has engaged thousands of Bostonians in a new conversation about the future of how people get around.

October 28, 2015 | Category: Climate

“Makers” Unleashed

Jaime Cortez

Jaime Cortez

Guest Author · program officer

Jaime Cortez shares how the maker movement is informing Barr’s planning for its Arts program.

October 23, 2015 | Category: Barr Planning 2015