Hear from staff and partners about aspirations, accomplishments, and lessons learned along the way.

Erin Long via Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts

Massachusetts Becomes First in the Nation to Put Batteries into Efficiency Plan

Massachusetts' new energy efficiency program adds batteries to the mix. Clean Energy Group's project director breaks down the new policy and next steps.

March 12, 2019 | Category: Climate

Bold Aspirations for Boston’s Future

Man smiling and looking at the camera in front of a colorful painting.

Jim Canales

President & Trustee

Highlights from a recent event at WBUR’s CitySpace, Boston’s newest home for civic discourse.

February 28, 2019 | Category: From the President

An Artist Walks into a Planning Agency

Reflections from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council's first Artist-in-Residence at the conclusion of her 18-month residency.

February 20, 2019 | Category: Arts & Creativity

One Risk That Led to Another

The final installment in a series of seven profiles featuring stories from Greater Boston arts organizations that received special funding to pursue an artistic risk.

February 12, 2019 | Category: Arts & Creativity

Shanna Cleveland to Join Barr’s Climate Team

Cleveland brings extensive experience as an attorney and climate advocate to Barr’s Clean Energy portfolio.

February 08, 2019 | Category: Barr News

Barr Foundation Extends Commitment to Boston Waterfront

Man smiling and looking at the camera in front of a colorful painting.

Jim Canales

President & Trustee

With opportunity to build on progress and advance an ambitious vision, foundation launches search for full-time director of its waterfront initiative.

February 07, 2019 | Category: Special Initiatives

A Time for Aspiration

Man smiling and looking at the camera in front of a colorful painting.

Jim Canales

President & Trustee

Amidst turbulent times and daunting challenges, we all must commit to greater ambition, bolder action, and impatience with the status quo.

January 30, 2019 | Category: From the President

It's Time to Transform Transportation in Massachusetts

At the end of 2018, Massachusetts released a bold vision for the future of transportation in the Commonwealth. To make that vision a reality, it’s our move.

January 28, 2019 | Category: Climate

A Risk that Expanded the Boundaries of Excellence

Maure Video Headshot

Maure Aronson

Executive Director, World Music/CRASHarts

Sixth in a new series featuring stories from Greater Boston arts organizations that received special funding to pursue an artistic risk.

January 22, 2019 | Category: Arts & Creativity

Massachusetts’ Next Energy Efficiency Plan Could Bring Unprecedented Savings to the Commonwealth

amy boyd headshot

Amy Boyd

Senior Attorney, Acadia Center

Acadia Center's Senior Attorney shares an assessment of state efforts to create an energy efficiency plan that provides energy savings and benefits for every Massachusetts resident.

January 16, 2019 | Category: Climate