National Arts Strategies
Investing in creative change agents to activate positive social change in New England.
New England’s communities are changing. Demographic growth and new technological developments have ushered economic and social shifts that require new leadership and ways of thinking. Strategies that connect the arts with other sectors—like health, transportation, and community planning—can help communities activate positive social change. Many of the people already engaged in community issues, like neighborhood activists, artists, and volunteers find themselves trying to lead without the support or network that traditional institutions provide. In 2014, National Arts Strategies developed the Creative Community Fellows program to address these gaps.
Grant Description:
The Creative Community Fellows works with creative individuals, like artists, planners, activists, and community organizers, working as change-makers in their communities. Throughout the nine months of the Fellowship, these individuals experience hands-on learning and mentorship to create physical and social transformations in their neighborhoods.
With a recent Barr grant, Creative Community Fellows will pilot a New England-specific cohort for 2018. These 25 Fellows will gain access to the tools, training, and network in this region to bring their visions of change to life.
Outputs and Outcomes:
- An initial cohort of New England Fellows will participate in customized group learning modules to build their strategic leadership skills.
- Experienced and diverse mentors will provide one-on-one coaching to Fellows.
- Fellows will join the growing network of NAS alumni and deepen and extend their access to resources and partners.
- A pipeline of emerging professionals—prepared to lead change in an increasingly complex landscape—is developed in New England.
- Creative Community Fellows will contribute significant knowledge to the field about developing networks for change and funders are able to gain new insights on community challenges and opportunities.
Apply to the Creative Community Fellowship
National Arts Strategies, Inc.
To develop and pilot a nine-month Creative Community Fellows Program for New England.
- Award Date: 9/27/2017
- Amount: $300,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity

NAS' mission is to build and support a diverse community of arts and culture leaders who drive inspiring change for the future.
NAS offers professional development opportunities, coaching, and a powerful network to arts and culture leaders at every stage of their careers. Established in 1983, NAS has trained and supported more arts and culture leaders than any other organization in the field.