The Arts Mean Business
New report shows the economic impact of the nonprofit arts and culture industry across the country and in six Massachusetts communities.
SueEllen Kroll Named Barr Foundation Program Officer for Arts & Creativity
National search concludes with the successful appointment of experienced grantmaker in arts, creativity, and humanities.
New Report Proves the Creative Economy is Underpinning New England’s Growth
New England’s creative workers earn nearly $17 billion per year, but are still being affected by global trends in technology and changing consumer habits.
Against the Tides of Change, Arts and Culture as “Placekeeping” Force
New arts and cultural center preserves links to a community’s culturally rich past, and brings hope of an enduring place in its future.
Investing in New Spaces for Artists and Creative Innovators
Barr contributes $1.965 million for planning, development, and build-out of new arts-related collaborative workspaces across Massachusetts.
A Neuroscientist Walks into a Museum…
How brain science is helping the Peabody Essex Museum transform its visitor experience.
Six New England Artists Earn National Recognition
Barr joins funders supporting exemplary artists to take risks and create new work.
What do Artists and Creative Workers in New England need to Thrive Here?
New England Foundation for the Arts’ director of research introduces “Creatives Count”—a new survey of area creatives to bring more resources and attention to their sector.
Activating Creativity in Your Community this Summer
Artists are performing in neighborhoods across Boston, and the only thing missing is you.
Three Calls to Action for the Next Chapter of Boston Creates
Jim Canales shares remarks at the launch of Boston’s cultural plan.