Category: Arts & Creativity

New Webinar Offers 101 on Political Advocacy for Nonprofits

san san wong brick headshot 2019

E. San San Wong

Director of Arts & Creativity

While the tax codes make it clear nonprofits can’t endorse or oppose specific candidates for office, or specific legislation, it turns out there is quite a lot they can and should do to advance their issues.

October 16, 2014 | Category: Sector Effectiveness

Empty seats? Don't (just) look to your marketing department.


Stefan Lanfer

Director of Communications

At a recent gathering of Boston arts leaders, researcher Alan Brown challenged participants to consider a new way to understand and make progress on a persistent challenge: how to build demand and diversify audiences for the arts.

August 04, 2014 | Category: Arts & Creativity

Artists and a World out of Balance

Lauren Woody

Guest Author · Former Program Assistant

Boston becomes creative home base for award-winning playwright, poet, author, and actor, Daniel Beaty in his work that uses storytelling for individual and community transformation.

May 20, 2014 | Category: Arts & Creativity

Putting Art at the Center of Community Transformation

Lauren Woody

Guest Author · Former Program Assistant

Barr joins national network of support for "Creative Placemaking."

March 03, 2014 | Category: Arts & Creativity

National Spotlight on Boston Children's Chorus

Marcos Popovich

Marcos Lucio Popovich

Guest Author · Program Fellow, Education

For the third year in a row, a Barr grantee stood among the recipients of our nation's highest honor for youth arts organizations.

February 11, 2014 | Category: Arts & Creativity

At Packed Public Hearing, Artists and Arts Lovers Envision a More Vibrant Boston

san san wong brick headshot 2019

E. San San Wong

Director of Arts & Creativity

On a recent Saturday morning, Boston artists and arts lovers packed the Boston Public Library to share their hopes and dreams of a more vibrant arts and culture sector.

February 06, 2014 | Category: Arts & Creativity

Youth Make Voices Heard and Vision Clear Through The Arts

Lauren Woody

Guest Author · Former Program Assistant

As the mayoral race in Boston heats up, there have been plenty of forums to hear from candidates.

October 02, 2013 | Category: Arts & Creativity

Barr Grantees Setting Tables for Robust Civic Engagement

Boston's mayoral race has ignited a vigorous debate about the city and its future.

September 27, 2013 | Category: Arts & Creativity

Welcoming Barr's New Arts Senior Program Officer

In September, Barr hosted a reception for arts grantees to officially welcome and meet San San Wong, the foundation's first full-time Senior Program Officer for arts and culture.

November 12, 2012 | Category: Arts & Creativity

Barr Announces Awards to 15 Boston Arts Organizations That Support Young People

san san wong brick headshot 2019

E. San San Wong

Director of Arts & Creativity

We are pleased to introduce a second cohort of Boston arts organizations to receive support from Barr and the Klarman Family Foundation under a new capacity-building grants program aimed at enhancing the artistic quality and long-term strength of organizations that support young people in achieving mastery in an art form.

October 24, 2012 | Category: Arts & Creativity