Yard, Inc.
To continue its trajectory to become a year-round center for excellent dance programs by increasing its capacity and planning for mission-critical capital improvements as part of the ArtsAmplified initiative.
- Award Date: 12/5/2017
- Amount: $950,000
- Term: 36 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity
A Better City Initiative, Inc.
To support an organizational capacity assessment.
- Award Date: 12/1/2017
- Amount: $75,000
- Term: 6 months
- Program: Climate
Emerson College
To support transition planning and a staff re-structuring assessment for ArtsEmerson and HowlRound.
- Award Date: 12/1/2017
- Amount: $40,000
- Term: 6 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity
United States Artists, Inc.
To undertake a brand evaluation to increase United States Artists impact in the field.
- Award Date: 12/1/2017
- Amount: $75,000
- Term: 6 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity
Collaborative for Educational Services
To support the planning and redesign of Turners Falls High School.
- Award Date: 11/21/2017
- Amount: $200,000
- Term: 18 months
- Program: Education
To support the pre-implementation phase of the Massachusetts school incubator.
- Award Date: 11/21/2017
- Amount: $300,000
- Term: 5 months
- Program: Education
To enhance the implementation of the MASS Learning Project.
- Award Date: 11/21/2017
- Amount: $45,000
- Term: 6 months
- Program: Education
EdVestors, Inc.
To support Zeroing in on Math (ZioM) initiative.
- Award Date: 11/21/2017
- Amount: $250,000
- Term: 24 months
- Program: Education
Environmental Grantmakers Association
To support the EGA Environmental Fellows Program and the placement of four fellows in Barr partner organizations.
- Award Date: 11/21/2017
- Amount: $80,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Climate
FSG, Inc.
To support the development and use of materials to engage boards and trustees in learning and evaluation.
- Award Date: 11/21/2017
- Amount: $25,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Sector Effectiveness