People package seeds into plastic bags for distribution at a volunteer event.


Meeting The Moment

A message to our partners.

The past several weeks made plainly evident the challenges that the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors will face in the years ahead. Between proposed reductions in federal funding for both aid agencies and many nonprofits, as well as the anti-DEI crusade, our sector is a target. Meeting this moment will require all of us to engage and step up, and I offer here some initial steps we are taking at the Barr Foundation.

I wrote last Fall that we at Barr are in this work for the long haul; that has not changed.

As I write now, in February 2025, we are focused on four areas: sustaining our commitments; showing care for our partners; coordinating efforts; and embracing creativity.

Sustaining our Commitments

With diversity, equity, and inclusion under attack—and the very meaning of these terms often in the eye of the beholder—it is important to be clear about what they mean to us, and how they inform and guide our work.

At Barr, we will keep investing in leaders and solutions that bring us closer to a world where everyone can pursue their unbounded potential, and where the promise of equal opportunity for all becomes a reality. This is why Barr’s steadfast commitment to center racial equity remains unchanged.

These are the moments that demand clarity about what really matters, and we remain anchored in Barr's core values – to strive for impact, to act with humility, to demonstrate curiosity, to invest in leaders, to take the long view, to center racial equity, and to embrace risk. These are our touchstone. And we intend to show up as a funder, partner, collaborator, and member of our many communities in ways that show these values in action.

Showing Care for Our Partners

At Barr, we know our success hinges on the quality of our relationships with all our partners – relationships rooted in mutual trust, respect, and care. Just as we did during the onset of COVID, we are reaching out to our partners, to ask questions, to listen carefully to what they are experiencing, and to learn what they view as their most pressing needs and opportunities.

We have already been in touch with many of our grantees, and we encourage others to reach out to their program officers at any time. We want to learn how best to support our grantees, and we remain open to exploring different ways to reduce administrative burdens and create more flexibilities in how Barr funds can be used, so that our partners can adapt and be responsive to this context.

Based on what we’re hearing and learning, we are starting to organize targeted trainings, capacity supports, and other resources to help our partners keep up with the rapidly-evolving context and respond to the many implications of what is happening.

Coordinating Efforts

Solidarity and partnership are essential right now, not going it alone or staying on the sidelines. Connection with others brings healing and comfort. It offers encouragement, strength, and resolve to face whatever comes. So, this is a time to invest in opportunities for people to be in community together. We need to know that we are not alone and that, together, we can imagine and realize a stronger, more impactful social sector.

As part of this, investing in social sector “infrastructure” that enables greater coordination, communication, and knowledge sharing, as well as advocates for the concerns of our sector, is essential. This has been part of our grantmaking at Barr for many years, and we anticipate investing further to support this essential work.

There is also enormous value in taking time to notice and celebrate progress and the positive impacts of our work. It reminds us what drew us to this work in the first place: the ability to make a difference in others’ lives. Doing so builds connection and community, reinvigorates our purpose, and counters the misinformation intended to distract and confuse people about the good that nonprofits do.

Embracing Creativity

Amidst so much change, we know that this moment compels us to think and to act in new ways. There is no playbook for this moment, just as there was none five years ago when we confronted a global pandemic.

As we did then, we need to summon our creativity and agility to imagine new ways forward, and to reimagine the future we aspire to create. As I write, we don’t know everything that we at Barr will do, but we are clear how we intend to show up as a funder and partner: steadfast in our commitments, listening to our partners, focused on our community, and striving to be as creative and agile as this moment demands.

As I prepare to depart the Barr presidency later this year, one certainty remains constant for all of us at Barr: the profound respect and admiration we have for our many partners, and our fervent commitment to support them as best we can. As we all face this challenging moment together, with much to draw us into pessimism and negativity, I choose to focus on our partners and our community, in gratitude for their astounding reserves of passion, ingenuity, and dedication.

Our partners are what fuel me in this moment, and I hope all of us can identify what gives us inspiration, hope, and joy, at a time we need those in abundance.

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