Posts by Rahn Dorsey

Erin Long via Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts

Rahn Dorsey joined Barr in 2009 as evaluation director and a program officer for Education. In September 2014, Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh appointed Rahn the city's first chief of education.

Education Week Features Boston Center Creating Second Chances for Dropouts

Rahn Dorsey

Guest Author · Former Evaluation Director & Program Officer

Thanks to concerted efforts on dropout prevention, high school graduation rates in the U.S. are the highest they have been since the 1970's, yet every year roughly one million high school students still leave without a degree.

August 07, 2013 | Category: Education

Getting to "Whole Child Time"

Rahn Dorsey

Guest Author · Former Evaluation Director & Program Officer

What would it take to move beyond a school- and classroom-bound view of where learning and youth development actually happens – to explore more holistic approaches?

June 07, 2013 | Category: Education

The OPPORTUNITY City on a Hill

Rahn Dorsey

Guest Author · Former Evaluation Director & Program Officer

What would it take to make Boston the premiere "opportunity city?"

December 27, 2011 | Category: Education