As Executive Director, Elina sets Springpoint’s strategic direction and oversees programmatic offerings, organizational growth, and new partnerships. As a founding leader of Springpoint, Elina has grown the organization and its offerings to expand reach and impact. She has deep expertise in strategic planning and systems-level alignment to enable successful school efforts, technology-enabled innovation, student-centered school models, and organizational operations.
We Know Principals Are Important, So Why Doesn’t Anyone Want to Be One These Days?
The pandemic is driving principals out, and preparation programs don’t give them the support they need.
Transformative Schools Require Transformative Leaders
New fellowship for aspiring school leaders who seek to reimagine high school.
Creating a More Equitable High School Experience Requires Whole School Change
Supporting all students to succeed requires much more than a stand-alone racial equity training, program, or role.
Don’t Let the School Year Go to Waste
Leah Hamilton and Elina Alayeva share three priorities for a student-centered school year throughout the pandemic.