Category: Sector Effectiveness

A New Paradigm for Leadership Development


Stefan Lanfer

Director of Communications

What if, instead of barreling ahead, relentlessly focused on keeping their organizations afloat (until they burn out trying), effective nonprofit leaders started delegating more and more responsibility to staff—at once paving the way for a next generation of leaders and freeing themselves to think about their own leadership in more expansive ways?

May 24, 2013 | Category: Barr Fellowship

What if our great leaders became a great network?


Stefan Lanfer

Director of Communications

A new animation on the big ideas behind what The Boston Globe once called “a web of collaboration rippling through the nonprofit community with increasing effect.”

April 01, 2013 | Category: Barr Fellowship

A Leadership Pipeline for Philanthropy

[STAFF] Kimberly Haskins Photo 2022

Kimberly Haskins

Senior Program Officer, Sector Effectiveness

Applications for the 2013–2014 Class of Proteus Diversity Fellows are now open. Learn more about this unique program dedicated to identifying, recruiting, and cultivating emerging practitioners of color who represent the next generation of leaders in philanthropy.

March 28, 2013 | Category: Sector Effectiveness

Authentic Relationships and Unintended Consequence

Pat Brandes

Guest Author · Former Executive Director

What would it take for a group of nonprofit leaders to be honest, open, and trusting enough with a funder to really share their wisdom—even their critiques of strategy and of how philanthropy works? For Barr, the answer was a happy accident of another challenge we were trying to address.

September 25, 2012 | Category: Barr Fellowship

On Indigenous Leadership

What does it take to create a community that meets all the needs of its residents—a place rich in local resources that enhance health and safety, a place that provides people with a strong sense of connection to one another, and a place that celebrates life and hope through civic engagement, arts, and culture?

July 17, 2012 | Category: Arts & Creativity

The Currency of Social Change


Stefan Lanfer

Director of Communications

A new Stanford Social Innovation Review case study featuring the Barr Fellowship explores the surprising return on an investment in relationships among social change leaders—even without set expectations or requirements about what might emerge as a result.

May 17, 2012 | Category: Barr Fellowship

From Boston to Haiti – A Barr Fellows Learning Journey


Stefan Lanfer

Director of Communications

In January, 2012, a group of twelve Barr Fellows spent a week together in Haiti, during what was also the two-year anniversary of Haiti's devastating 2010 earthquake. I had the opportunity to join them to help document the trip...

April 10, 2012 | Category: Barr Fellowship

Helping by Not Helping

Jesus Gerena

Jesús Gerena

Managing Partner, Family Independence Initiative

Melinda Marble

Guest Author · Former Deputy Director

An interview between Barr’s Deputy Director Melinda Marble and Jesús Gerena of Family Independence Initiative, with Stefan Lanfer, knowledge officer.

August 23, 2011 | Category: Sector Effectiveness

Three Barr Fellows Named Among State’s Top Innovators

The Boston Globe names Lyndia Downie, Bill Walczak, and Margarita Muñiz to prestigious list.

May 23, 2011 | Category: Barr Fellowship

Announcing the 2011 Class of Barr Fellows

The Barr Fellows Program honors the contributions of some of the most gifted and experienced leaders in the Boston area.

December 08, 2010 | Category: Barr Fellowship